How will you benefit?

Soon after a colonic irrigation treatment, you should begin to feel:

An increase in energy & vitality

Woman with energy and vitality Removing the excess debris in your colon will make you feel lighter and less bloated. Since the toxins are no longer being re-absorbed into your blood stream, you should also feel more vibrant, healthier and energetic (the full effect usually takes a couple of weeks).

An instantly flatter tummy

Woman with flatter tummy A cleanse may help you trim your waistline by simply removing accumulated waste which may be causing excessive bloating! Even one treatment can have lasting benefits.

Better digestion

Digestive tract If you've been suffering from bowel ache, indigestion, constipation or wind then clearing the space between the bowel walls is going to allow food to pass through more easily.

Improved concentration

Man concentrating The toxins absorbed by your bowel enter your bloodstream and are transported to your brain, which can result in trouble concentrating. If you remove the toxins, less toxins enter your blood and your focus and concentration will improve.

Call Deborah on 020 7411 9824 for a free phone consultation, check out our prices, or:

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If you've already booked an appointment, please check out these 7 tips for how to prepare for a comfortable colonic.

Call 020 7411 9824 now for free consultation!

Convenient location

North London Colonics
192 Goldhurst Terrace
West Hampstead


First 90 minute treatment is £175.

Repeat treatments are £150 (for 1hr).

See prices for more deals.

Clinic hours

Monday to Friday: 8am - 8pm
Saturday: 9am - 6pm

Experienced therapists

Deborah Laniado (CNM, ARCH, Dip. Herb) is an experienced colonic hydrotherapist with 1000s of satisfied clients.

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