How To Really Cure Constipation—Free Report

You can now download your free report, "How to Really Cure Constipation", by clicking on the picture below. Please note this report is in pdf format, so you will need Adobe Acrobat Reader. If you don't already have it, you can download it from here free of charge.

Hope it helps!



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If you've already booked an appointment, please check out these 7 tips for how to prepare for a comfortable colonic.


Call 020 7101 4471 now for free consultation!

020 7101 4471

Convenient location

North London Colonics
Side Entrance
192 Goldhurst Terrace
West Hampstead


Over 18 years in clinical practice

First 90 minute treatment is £175.

Repeat treatments are £150 (for 1hr).

See prices for more deals.

Clinic hours

Monday to Friday: 8am - 8pm
Saturday: 9am - 6pm

Experienced therapists

Deborah Laniado (CNM, ARCH, Dip. Herb) is an experienced colonic hydrotherapist with 1000s of satisfied clients.

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